印度漁業研究所發現阿拉伯海蘊藏豐富的深海烏賊印度科欽市的中央海洋漁業研究所(CMFRI)團隊在世界銀行資助及全國農業創新計畫(NAIP)的支持下,成功在阿拉伯海中部海域海平面下1,000 -4,000平方公尺間的水域發現大量未開發、聚集密度每平方公里均達5公噸的深海烏賊室內設計(Ethenotenthis onalanieusis);深海烏賊因豐沛的蘊藏量及居阿拉伯海地理優勢贏得「阿拉伯海主人」的美譽。CMFRI團隊在實驗刺網、圍網等漁法後歸納出最具效益的專業漁法:利用微處理器自動連續投放及拉高多彩及無倒鉤的擬餌鉤,將於夜間強力鹵素集魚燈探照下吸引游至水面的烏賊裝潢一網打盡。CMFRI計畫的合作夥伴-全國漁業收成後技術及訓練協會(NIFPHATT)已研發出國內試用成功的即食及方便烹調的烏賊相關水產品。印度看好國際市場對深海烏賊的高接受度,將朝商業規模開發該高經濟價值魚種出口。 (摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 20/2011,1 November 2011賣屋) FISHERIES INSTITUTE FIND DEEP SEA SQUID STOCKS IN ARABIAN SEA Detection of abundant deep sea squids (Ethenotenthis onalanieusis) in the central Arabian Sea by the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI), Kochi has opened up new 婚禮顧問opportunities for export of these high value species on a large scale. Using funds from the World Bank and supported by the National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP), CMFRI’s team have been able to map the abundance of this largely unexploited deep 商務中心sea squid which inhabits depths ranging between 1,000 and 4,000 meters in the central Arabian Sea . The concentration of this species is on an average five metric tonnes a square kilometer. Because of its abundance and dominance in a major part of the 好房網Arabian Sea , these squids are called the ‘Master of the Arabian Sea ’. Through repeated trials, the team has standardized specialised techniques for its capture. Using micro-processor controlled automatic squid jigging machines and powerful metal halide seolamps, these squids are first attracted to the surface during night and then the colourful and barbless jigs are lowered and raised serially in a jigging motion to capture squids. Other fishing methods such as gillnetting and purse seining have also been 東森房屋successful. Consortium partner of CMFRI in the project, the National Institute of Fisheries Post Harvest Technology and Training (NIFPHATT), has developed ready-to-eat and ready-to-cook products from these squids which have passed through domestic trials 酒店經紀successfully. Considering the high demand and prices for oceanic squids in the international market, there is great scope for exploiting this resource on a commercial scale.
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